
Lalitha sahasranamam chanting daily for 48 days
Lalitha sahasranamam chanting daily for 48 days

lalitha sahasranamam chanting daily for 48 days

The first part of the Vedas, the samhita, deals with rituals(sacrifice) the second part deals with worship(upasana) the third part deals with the knowledge of the Supreme(Jnana), and constitutes the Upanishads. Veda means Vid(to know) or knowledge of God, Life, Deities, Nature, Dharma(the quality of virtue, ethical sense) and the Absolute. Vedas have been handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. “more things can be brought by prayer than this world dreams of.” - Bhaskaradasan Belief in God, prayer, meditation and other activity sanctified by practice by generations are for the human spirit. Vedas teach us the immortality of the soul.

lalitha sahasranamam chanting daily for 48 days

Wisdom establishes a perfect dynamic harmony between the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical self in one’s life. Spirituality takes into account, transcendence of the veils of ignorance into the light of the spiritual life or wisdom. Man is a combination of a physical body, the mind and the ever conscious self which is spiritually present. People in India, have attained self-realisation through the path of devotion, through knowledge or the path of service to mankind. In Indian thought, spiritual knowledge holds primacy.

Lalitha sahasranamam chanting daily for 48 days